Year 2

Hello from Mrs Bradley

Hello everyone my name is Mrs Bradley and I am the Year 2 teacher. AI love teaching all subjects but particularly enjoy literacy and history as I really enjoy reading and finding out about our past. In our welcoming classroom we have a fabulous reading corner that allows the children to escape into a wonderful world of imagination exploring our lovely new books.

We understand how sometimes things can be a little overwhelming and it is very important to us in Class 2 that everyone feels calm and happy during their learning. We have developed a calm corner that provides many sensory resources, calm music, lights and space allowing you to feel relaxed and ready to learn. Our learning environment provides a happy and peaceful place where learning is always fun and engaging.

Outside of school I like to craft and catch up with friends and family. I am particularly enjoying spending some precious time with my baby grand daughter.

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Hello I’m Mrs Playford, I work in Year 2 as a 1:1 Teaching Assistant. I thoroughly enjoy my time helping support the class. As well as being an experienced Key Stage 1 Teaching Assistant I am also responsible for Phonics Interventions, which is very rewarding and it is especially lovely to be able to work with children from other classes too.

Hello I’m Miss Cross. I work in Year 2 as a Teaching Assistant. I thoroughly enjoy my time helping speech and pastoral interventions including NELI, Lego Therapy and Talk About.