You are warmly invited to visit and see the school in action; this can be arranged by calling the school office and making an appointment or emailing
We look forward to welcoming you and hope that you are excited to see in person, all that our school has to offer your child and family.
Admission Authority
The Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Multi-Academy Trust is the admission authority for all the schools within the Trust and is responsible for determining the admissions policy. On behalf of the Trust, the admissions are coordinated by the relevant Local Authority. All decisions relating to admission applications will be taken by the school’s Local Governing Body.
OLoL Trust – Admissions information
Waiting lists
Parents whose children have not been offered a place at a school in the normal admissions round will be added to the school’s waiting list unless they have been offered a place at a higher-preference school. The list will remain open until the end of the academic application year. If a parent wishes their child to remain on the waiting list, they must re-apply each academic year. The local authority manages the waiting list for St Joseph’s.