Ofsted and Diocesan Reports

Ofsted Report 2023 – Good

Click on the link below to read the full report

Your staff, the governors and the academy trust share your aspirations for the school and its community, and support school developments with tenacity. The school’s strong Christian values put children at the heart of everything the school does. Pupils feel safe, happy and valued at school, and so grow and flourish in their personal and academic development. Parents and carers speak highly of the school’s pastoral care that enables their children to grow and flourish. The school’s harmonious cultural and social mix gives pupils a very good understanding of how to treat others with kindness and respect, and teaches them that everyone should be valued equally. Your staff know well the challenging circumstances some pupils face in their lives and that only the best is good enough for the children in their care. Every child really does matter in your school and this spurs everyone on to do their best at all times.

St Joseph’s Ofsted Report 2023

Ofsted 2018 – Good

Click on the link below to read the full report

Diocesan Canonical Inspection – Good

Click on the link below to read the full report

St Joseph’s is a caring, inclusive Catholic community with a committed team of staff who are dedicated to providing their pupils with a good start in life. Under the supportive leadership of the headteacher, the school has continued to provide a good Catholic education for the local community.

Pupils and staff are kind to each other and offer a warm welcome to visitors, parishioners and families.

St Joseph’s Final Report Here