School Meals
Lunches can be ordered through NEL Meal Selector | Home(opens in new tab)
Parents will need to order 2 weeks in advance.
If you do not want to order school meals, then you can provide your child with a packed lunch.
All children in foundation stage and key stage one (Reception to Year 2) are entitled to a Universal Free School Meal (UFSM) and we strongly recommend that you encourage your child to take up this free meal. However, if you think your child is entitled to free school meals under the current criteria, it is important that you still register when your child starts school, as you will not have to then re-register each year. This releases additional funding called the “Pupil Premium” and this funding is used to provide additional educational support for your child in school. If you are unsure about what you are entitled to apply for, please ask for advice and the office staff will be happy to help.
All children under the age of 5 and those children that are entitled to Benefit Free School Meals are eligible for free school milk. Milk is available for all children at a small charge and details of how to book this will be on the school milk website: