Why attendance matters
Attendance at school greatly benefits your child. Statistics show that pupils with poor attendance do less well.
Parents should ensure maximum attendance at school for their child, explaining any absence by telephoning the school on the first day of absence.
If a child is ill or attending a medical appointment, the absence will be authorised. There are very few other reasons for which absences can be authorised.
The minimum acceptable level of school attendance is 96%.
We believe as a school that identifying poor attendance and issues affecting attendance early as well as working in partnership with parents we can significantly improve attendance and prevent a child becoming a Persistent Absentee and involvement with the local authority.
Below outlines the procedure that we follow to support and improve attendance:
Notice to Improve Letter – sent home to indicate to parents/cares that attendance is starting to decline. This will be sent to students below 96% attendance.
Medical Evidence Request Letter – sent home to request medical evidence to be provided to support absence, without this future absence will be marked as unauthorised. This could be in the form of an appointment card or proof of medication given by the doctor
Parents/Carers to be invited to attend a school attendance panel meeting to discuss concerns and set targets to improve attendance.
If your child’s attendance falls to 90% or below, this is considered, by the Government, to be Persistent Absence. Where attendance falls below 90% and there are unauthorised absences a referral will be made to the Educational Welfare Officer for further intervention and enforcement action may be taken.