Teaching of History
In history we seek to use these core values to inspire the children to not just ‘do’ history, but to become historians. We want the children to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding in the subject and to expand their chronological knowledge of the wider world and the events which have helped to shape the world in which we live. We want the children to leave the school with secure chronological knowledge and as critical thinkers who can understand how the past has influenced the present.
Curriculum Intent
We use the Sonar curriculum as the main mechanism through which we teach history, which ensures that year-on-year the children cover the aims and compulsory history coverage as defined by the National Curriculum. History is often the ‘driver’ subject in ‘We are’ curriculum and teaching through this scheme ensures a linear approach to the development of skills across the whole school. These skills include learning to ask perceptive questions, thinking critically, weighing evidence, sifting arguments and developing perspective and judgement.